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Tuition and Costs

Selecting tuition and fees at our Compass College and Seminary is a thoughtful process designed with our students in mind. We're keenly aware of the financial considerations for families, so we always aim for the best balance of affordability and quality. Thanks to the generosity of donors and our active grant-seeking, we're often able to offset many operational costs, making our world-class religious education more accessible. We also frequently review our fees against other institutions, ensuring we remain competitively priced. Our primary mission is to provide an enriching spiritual education without breaking the bank, ensuring that our dedicated students get the best value for their investment. In addition, we are seeking to provide a great deal of scholarships to provide extra assistance to all our students.

Tuition and Fees:
Undergraduate and Graduate Programs



$5,995 per semester (12-18 credit hours)
  • Fees - $600
  • Audit (per course) - $150
  • Application Fee (Separate) - $100



$400 per credit hour
  • Fees - $500
  • Audit (per course) - $150
  • Assessment (Application) - $150