Our Mission

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Our Mission

Our Mission is to develop leaders for service in the local church and the public square. We strive to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ through a commitment to excellence in Christian higher education. Combining the highest level of academics with practical ministry application, we train our graduates to serve with justice, mercy, and humility.

Institutional Objectives

Spiritual Formation: Foster a strong commitment to biblical principles, personal faith, and spiritual growth among students, equipping them to become faithful followers of Jesus Christ.

Academic Excellence: Provide a rigorous and comprehensive education that upholds the authority and accuracy of the Bible, emphasizing biblical studies, theology, Biblical worldview, and related disciplines.

Doctrinal Integrity: Maintain a firm adherence to conservative Baptist theological doctrine, promoting a solid understanding of Baptist beliefs, such as the authority of Scripture, salvation through faith in Christ, and the autonomy of the local church.

Ministry Preparation: Equip students with the knowledge, skills, and practical experience necessary for effective Christian ministry and service, whether as pastors, missionaries, educators, counselors, or leaders in various church and para-church organizations.

Discipleship and Leadership Development: Cultivate a culture of discipleship, mentoring, and leadership training, nurturing students’ spiritual gifts and preparing them to serve as influential leaders within their local church and their communities.

Evangelism and Missions: Instill a passion for evangelism and missions, encouraging students to actively engage in sharing the Gospel and reaching out to others with the love of Christ, both locally and globally.

Cultural Engagement: Provide students with a biblical worldview and critical thinking skills to address contemporary cultural issues from a conservative Baptist perspective, promoting a faithful and winsome witness in a pluralistic society.

Community and Character Development: Foster a supportive and nurturing Christian community that emphasizes character formation, ethical behavior, and personal integrity, creating an environment conducive to holistic growth and maturity.

Research and Scholarship: Encourage faculty and students to pursue scholarly research and contribute to the academic community through publications, conferences, and other scholarly activities, promoting the advancement of biblical knowledge and understanding.

Lifelong Learning: Cultivate a desire for lifelong learning and personal growth, fostering a love for studying God’s Word and a commitment to continued theological education and spiritual development beyond graduation.